Sorting in .NET

I found some very interesting behavior in the .NET sort method today that I thought I would share in case it catches anyone else off guard.

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It worked! Never Mind.

On a day-to-day basis, my interactions with customers are limited, but every once in a while I get some support calls that just take me by surprise. Today was no exception.

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So, can you have that done today?

I work at a software company where we've been developing a pretty sizable ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. The office is an open layout, we all have our work stations, but there...

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Find Mouse Position Whenever You Need It

When responding to an event from a control, some events provide back the mouse coordinates, but not all of them do. So how do you get the mouse coordinates when your in...

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Returning a default value when no value returned

Today, I came across a problem where, after a lot of searching through forums and other various mediums of programming support, I was basically told it couldn't be done. I don't like...

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