First Beach Experience

Today is Julianne's birthday and we decided to make the trip up to Traverse City, Michigan. There is a resort that I grew up going to with my parents and brother, that...

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My Son's First Birthday

Yesterday was my son's first birthday.  Wow, I can't believe it's gone by so fast. It seems like just yesterday that he could barely hold his own head up, and now he's...

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Excellence is an Attitude

I was out shopping with my family Sunday and my eyes caught of few of those wall placards which have some catchy sayings or well-known proverbs, like "I'm retired, stop asking me...

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First Day of the New Year

So today was the beginning of the New Year, 2010, and I have to say, I rather enjoyed the day off and the time with my family.

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Catching up with Finances

So tonight was a busy night, I spent pretty much my entire night catching up on getting our finances in order. (Okay, I did manage to have some time playing Legos with...

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Last Guys' Night of the Year

Tonight my brother and I are hanging out (as we do every other Tuesday), except tonight is the last one of the year. I'm sure it will be good. We're going to...

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