Yesterday was my son's first birthday.  Wow, I can't believe it's gone by so fast. It seems like just yesterday that he could barely hold his own head up, and now he's constantly on the move. Now it seems like he doesn't want to he sit still for a minute. He's such a joy in our life that I can't believe not having him in my life.

Julianne got to have the day off to spend it with him, and I know that was as much a treat for her as it was for him. I also got to enjoy some of the daytime hours, by meeting them for lunch. We had lunch at McDonald's and this was Kaden's first time eating there. I think he enjoyed seeing all the people walking around more than he was concerned about eating at that time, but still, it was enjoyable to have lunch as a whole family.

Today, we had his first birthday party. On the guest list, Great Grandma and Grandpa Minnie, Grandma and Grandpa Minnie, Grandma and Grandpa Knapp, Logan Knapp, Uncle Jason, Aunt Dessie and Rose Minnie, and Jeff, Sarah and Moriah Sheppard. It was great having all that family and some very good friends there as well.

It was really an exciting time, and I really feel like Kaden had a great time as well. He definitely enjoyed the birthday cake that the Sheppards provided for him. The cake was decorated to look like a Lego, with lots of little Legos beside it. He got some really great presents, clothes and plenty of toys that make noise and even a new toybox to store them all in.

I just can't believe that I'm now a father to a one year old. He's changed our lives so much. I love my son!